Legal notice
The AIN FIBRES website is designed to provide information about the activities, installations and specialties of AIN FIBRES.
AIN FIBRES strives to ensure that the information given on this site is precise and up-to-date. The company reserves the right to correct the content at any time and without notice. However, AIN FIBRES cannot guarantee the precision or exhaustiveness of this information. The photos on this site are not contractually binding.
AIN FIBRES disclaims all responsibility for any imprecision or omission and for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third-party modifying the information on this site.
AIN FIBRES may on no account be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage or any loss arising from the consultation of these pages or the consultation of pages accessible by means of hypertext links on this site.
The information, financial data and recommendations available on the AIN FIBRES site constitute an aid to making an investment decision, for which the client maintains full responsibility, and in no way constitute an incitement to invest.
The user acknowledges having been informed that the Web site is accessible 24/7, except in the event of force majeure, IT difficulties, difficulties linked to the structure of the telecommunication network, other technical difficulties, or maintenance operations such as data updating.
Information on the protection of privacy:
By communicating their telephone, fax number(s), address or e-mail address, users accept that AIN FIBRES may supply them with information by telephone, fax, mail or e-mail.
Information regarding job applications submitted by the user under the recruitment heading of the AIN FIBRES site are for the exclusive use of AIN FIBRES. AIN FIBRES undertakes not to transmit this information to third-parties.
Rectification request may be exercised:
> by sending a letter to the following address:
21 Rue François Rochaix, 01100 Oyonnax – FRANCE
> or by e-mail :
The items presented on this site are covered by intellectual property rights.
- The general structure, texts, animated or still images and all the elements of which this Web site is composed are protected under French and international law with respect to copyright and intellectual property rights. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations.
- Any use whatsoever of brand names and logos of this site including in particular but not exclusively “AIN FIBRES”, and of commercial names that are the property of the AIN FIBRES company and / or its partners is prohibited without the authorization of the holders of the rights.
- No reproduction, whether whole or partial, of this site or of any of its elements is permitted without prior express authorization from AIN FIBRES.
Any representation or reproduction of this site or of any of its elements, by whatsoever procedure, will constitute an infringement of copyright.
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The best user experience on this site and the conditions of access to certain services require the use of cookies.
Here are the links allowing you to configure cookies on the main browsers:
> Chrome : https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en
> Internet explorer : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies
> Firefox : https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences
> Safari : https://support.apple.com/guide/safari/manage-cookies-and-website-data-sfri11471/mac
Our site is hosted on the server of Novagence.
Customer service
The customer service can be contacted at the following address :
21 Rue François Rochaix,
01100 Oyonnax
Tel: 0033 4 74 75 96 89